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第24章 回家喽二

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It's not just the two of them, there's a brother, and then he

zhè gè jiù shì nǚ zhǔ de fù mǔ yóu yú jiù shì gōng bù qǐ sān gè

This is the woman's parents, because they can't afford three.

hái zǐ shàng xué rán hòu jiù ràng tā men sān gè xuǎn zé shuí gōng zuò shuí

The children go to school, and then let the three of them choose who will work.

shàng xué rán hòu nà gè ài lì jiù shì yīn wéi tā shì shōu yǎng de ma

She went to school, and then Ally was adopted.

tā jiù bǐ jiào zhǔ dòng yī diǎn gēn tā men shuō shì wǒ qù bā rán hòu

She took the initiative and told them that I would go.

zěn me zěn me de

What? What?

rán hòu jiù shì bù shì nà gè ài lì jiù shì nǚ èr hào rán

Then it's either that Ally or the female number two, however.

hòu tā bù shì gōu yǐn le nà gè nǚ zhǔ nà gè lǎo gōng nà gè nán

Then he seduced the woman, the husband and the man.

rén zhēn de shì gè sǐ zhā nán sǐ zhā nán wǒ zhǐ néng shuō hǎo duō biàn

Man is really a dead man. I can only say it many times.

wǒ zhēn de zhòng yào shì qíng shuō sān biàn sǐ zhā nán sǐ zhā nán sǐ zhā

I really want to say something important three times. Dead man, dead man, dead man.

nán hǎo bù hǎo zhēn de hěn zhā yā tā bǎ wǒ men nà gè nǚ zhǔ jiǎo

How about a man? It's really bad. He took our heroine.

piàn le zhī hòu jiù shì xiāng dāng yú nà gè ài lì jiù shì nà gè nǚ

After cheating, it is equivalent to that Ellie, that woman.

èr shì nà gè nǚ zhǔ de jiě jiě huò zhě shì nà gè mèi mèi wǒ wàng

Second, the woman's sister or sister, I forget.

le bù guò kěn dìng shì duì ā bì jìng bì jìng lǐng yǎng le ma duì

Yes, but it must be right. After all, it was adopted. Yes.

bā nà me duō nián le hái yǒu gǎn qíng ne jié guǒ zhè gè ā lì

Ok, after so many years, I still have feelings. As a result, this Ali



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