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rubbing 拓本

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第28章 rubbing 拓本

The Classics

Despite the “bibliocaust“ in which the first emperor of the Qin dynasty (r. 221–210 BCE) burned books other than legal and essential professional texts, many works of pre-Qin literature survive, thanks to their preservation in those historical works that were spared burning. The designation of select texts as “classics“ images promoted the prestige of these early writings. These classics evolved through the accretion of mentaries, most of which interpreted earlier texts in order to legitimate given rulers or political orientations.







Since the Han dynasty (206 BCE–220 CE) the “Five Classics“ refer to a divination manual, the Classic of Changes 易经; the oldest anthology of poems, the Classic of Poetry 诗经; a collection of speeches and decrees, the Classic of Documents 书经; a historical chronicle, the Springs and Autumns 春秋; and three handbooks of rules for behavior named together as the Ritual 礼. Thanks to the invention of paper (second century BCE), these classics were carved in stone to produce rubbings and memorized by almost all educated Chinese.


divination manual「短语」占卜指南(即《易经》)

A broader sense of authoritative writings came with the fourth-century division of texts into four main categories. This taxonomy made classics primary and history secondary, followed by the “masters“(thinkers later called philosophers), and collections of belles lettres. Rich in aphorisms, lively dialogues, fables and anecdotes, texts in the “masters“ category were usually posites of later date that collected a given master's dialogues with disciples or opponents. The rubric also included professional medical, military, and religious texts, including the Daoist and Buddhist canons. Texts that would later be labeled fiction did not generally merit inclusion in any of these categories, all centrally concerned with conveying the Way.



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站内强推刀碎星河 绝品邪少 清穿之十福晋她又忽悠人 梅骨兰心 神印王座 惊世凤鸣:至尊大小姐 万妖圣祖 绝世神医:鬼帝的腹黑狂妃 帝少专宠:娇妻,放肆撩 篮坛神话:超级后卫 蜜爱小甜妻:老公,请亲亲! Oh,我的校草大人! 绝品情种:女神老婆赖上我 陆少结婚请慎重 麻衣剑客 最妃 腐烂国度之活下去 寒天帝 游戏花都之全能高手 美男榜 
经典收藏斗破签到十年,我成了主角 美食文化中华传统美食 玉皇大帝到我家 满级大佬在生存游戏里 刑警的使命 本宫是皇上 关于我在火影签到这件事 鬼知道重生做什么 大佬快穿以后 周年之约 重生之后我决定还是做游戏 迦勒底的黑发骑士王 火影:扒一扒那个瞎了眼的宇智波 元尊 神奇宝贝之开局黑化沙奈朵 人在奥特:开局伏井出k 斗罗神榜:我被梦红尘偷听心声! 龙族:开局就A级的路明非 美漫之光 我想做你的骑士 
最近更新崩坏三:加布 神印:我是月魔神的继承人 三世轮回,徒弟依旧犯上 火影:从掠夺属性开始拯救宇智波 东宫孽缘 不能忘却的197653 四合院:开局签到100只大肥猪 中国各地姓氏变迁及文化遗产 穿越之我在甄嬛传里当娘娘 把死对头首辅变成白月光 国运金铲铲:开局好运十四连败 嗯哼?又将体弱小世子惹生气了? 救命,小狐狸真的很会撩 甄嬛传重生之纯元是你吗? 意守 茶味恋爱日常 谁说世子爷柔弱不能自理 天美立恒终相守 四合院:为了棒梗你分手?分就分 火花肆意 
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